Clean up our shores with beach cleanups activities


Singapore is home to rich coastal ecosystems, from sandy beaches to mangrove forests, which support diverse marine life. While Singapore has an efficient waste management system, plastics and debris can still make their way into our waters, impacting wildlife and ecosystems. By joining a beach cleanup, you play an active role in keeping our shores clean and protecting marine biodiversity.

How You Can Contribute:
✅ Sign up for beach cleanups organized by sustainability groups or grassroots initiatives.
✅ Gather friends & family for a DIY cleanup – Head to any beach and collect litter. Remember to protect yourself by using gloves or tongs!
✅ Be a responsible visitor – Reduce waste by bringing reusable items and disposing of trash properly.

Did You Know? Every year, over 8 million tonnes of plastic enter the ocean, threatening marine ecosystems worldwide. Your actions can help keep our waters clean and safe.

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Door een activiteit te doen voor de natuur en deze te loggen in onze urenbank, draag je bij aan het grootste uur voor de natuur op 22 maart. Dan tellen we al deze uren van over de hele wereld op en laten we zien dat de optelsom van veel kleine acties een gigantische impact heeft. In 2024 gaven we in totaal 1.567.308 uur aan de natuur tijdens Earth Hour. Dat is 178 jaar!